
there are around 250 graduate students each year enrolled into the ee college to pursue graduate programs. the college currently offers the following degrees to its international students who have successfully completed electrical engineering graduate programs:

master of science (msc)

doctor of philosophy (phd)

1543820713(1).jpgboth the msc & phd programs in electrical engineering are designed for international students who are interested in electrical engineering, including the areas of electrical machines and electrical apparatus, power systems and automation, high voltage and insulation technology, power electronics and electrical drives, theory of electrical engineering and new technology, and electrical information technology. the electrical engineering discipline ranks consistently among the top 5 in the country, and was selected as one of the national first-class disciplines in 2017.

the course modules are tailored to prepare student for careers in diverse research fields in electrical engineering. all the selected courses are taught in english by teachers with years of overseas experiences.

for detailed information, please read through the guide to entry for zju-cee graduate programs for international students.

contact us

  • tel:0571-87952707
  • address:college of electrical
  • engineering,yuquan campus, zhejiang
  • university38 zheda road, hangzhou,
  • china, 310027

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