
chile utfsm university chancellor prof.jose rodgriguez visitted our university-米乐体育官方下载


prof. josé rodríguez, the president of federico santa maría technical university (utfsm) , chile,  visited our university on may 20, 2009. prof. ni mingjiang, vice-president of zhejiang university, met with prof. josé rodríguez at zijingang campus. deputy director wang li of the foreign affairs office and prof. ma hao of the college of electrical engineering also attended the reception.

first, prof. ni expressed a warm welcome to professor jose rodgruguez. then both sides introduced their universities and expressed the wish to carry out cooperation and exchange between the two universities. prof. ni proposed that the cooperation can begin with teaching spanish and chinese, and also carry out academic collaboration.

prof. jose rodgriguez agreed on his suggestion and visited zijingang campus right after the meeting.





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