on the morning of june 3, 2005, an awarding ceremony was held in the lecture hall in electrical engineering building of the college of electrical engineering, where prof. li xiaorong and prof. h. haubrich were appointed as gust professors of zhejianguniversity. chu jian, vice-president of the university and han zhenxiang, an academician, issued two letters of appointment and two the university's badges to them. prof. xu dehong, the deputy dean of the college, prof. wu changchun,secretary of the party committee of the college, prof. yan gangfeng, the head of the department of system science and engineering, and prof. qiu jiaju, the head of the department of electrical engineering also took part in the ceremony.
after the ceremony, prof. h.haubrich gave a report named new technology on electric power system planning. the report received a warm welcome and a lot of praiseamong teachers and students present.
prof. li xiaorong is an alumnus of zhejiang university, also the director of information and system laboratory, the dean of the electrical engineering department, and a full professor of new orleans university in united states, meanwhile he is the chairman of the international information fusion association, ieee fellow and is acknowledged as one of the ten famous international experts in the fields of information fusion and target tracking by missile defense organ of united states.
prof. h.haubrich is the fullprofessor of rwthaachenuniversity, germany. he is also the head of institute of power systems and power economics of rwth aachen university, germany, the chair of research society energy (fge), germany, the head of clearing office network integration of wind energy converters of federal state of north-rhine westphalia, the member of the academy of science of the federal state north-rhine westphalia and the president of the power engineering society (etg) of vde (association of german electrical engineer).hisresearch interests are electric power system planning.