on the morning of june 4, 2005, at the invitation of the college of electrical engineering, prof. wang qingguo who was from department of electrical and computer engineering of the national university of singaporedelivered a lecture entitled a two-degree-of-freedom smith control for improved disturbance rejection in the lecture hall in electricalengineeringbuilding. the lecture received a warm welcome and a lot of praiseamong teachers and students present.
prof. wang qingguo received, respectively, the b.eng. in chemical engineering in 1982, the m. eng. in 1984 and ph.d. in 1987 both in industrial automation, all from zhejianguniversity of the prc. from 1987 to 1989 he was a prc postdoctoral fellow with the institute for fluid power transmission and control of the department of mechanical engineering, zhejianguniversity. since 1992 he has been with the department of electrical and computer engineering of the national university of singapore where he is currently a full professor. he held a alexander-von-humboldt research fellowship of germany..