


the kick-off meeting for nsfc-epsrc/nerc sino-british cooperation project, farming the environment into the grid: big data in offshore wind (fengbo), was held in electrical engineering building, yuquan campus, zhejiang university on sept. 15th, 2018. nearly 20 scholars from different universities attended the meeting, including college of electrical engineering and college of civil engineering and architecture, zhejiang university, department of electrical engineering and department of earth system science, tsinghua university, department of aeronautics and department of earth science and engineering, imperial college london, and school of engineering, university of warwick.

the chinese pi prof. yonghua song who is fellow of the royal academy of engineering hosted the kick-off meeting. he welcomed attendees and commented on the abundant coastal resources of china and the promote the exploitation of offshore wind resources and reducethe cost of energy, it is urgent to research on the complex interactions among aerodynamic, electrical and environmental systemsof offshore wind farms. prof. matthew piggott of icl, the british pi representative, introduced the project andicl’s research foundations in atmospheric simulation. he also thanked chinese organizers for the arrangement of kick-off meeting.


subsequently, prof. rafael palacios and prof. matthew d. piggott of imperial college london, prof. xiaowei zhao of university of warwick, dr. can wan and prof. haijiang liu of zhejiang university, dr. jin lin and prof. haohuan fu of tsinghua university, delivered reportsconcerning their research and goalsin this project. as for the modelling of multiple physical fields, prof. rafael palacios discussed aeroelastic effects in offshore wind turbines, and dr. jin lin talked about participation of wind farms in grid frequencyregulation considering the wake effect. with respect to the interactive simulation of wind power and environmental systems, prof. matthew d. piggott introduced high-fidelity modelling wind farm wakes,prof. haijiang liu presented simulation results of storm surge, and prof. haohuan fu introduced high-resolution atmospheric and earthquakesimulation on sunway taihulight. from the perspective of offshore wind power system operation and control, prof. xiaowei zhao reviewed control theory and prospected its application in renewable energy, and dr. can wan shared his achievements in probabilistic wind power forecasting and its applications in power systems.therewere warm interdisciplinary discussionsamong the present scholars. attendees reached a consensus on the work programmes well as cooperation addition, ph.d. exchange schemebetween china and uk institutions was also discussed. in the end, prof. yonghua song delivered closing remarks. he encouraged all participantsto promote the project as perwork plan and make a significant breakthrough in the field of offshore wind power.

this project was founded by the national nature science foundation of china (nsfc) together withthe engineering and physical sciences research council (epsrc)andthe natural environment research council (nerc). the project isco-ledby zhejiang university and imperial college london,and will be executed for 3 years. prof. yonghua song , fellow of the royal academy of engineering, acts as the chinese pi, and prof. j. michael r. graham of imperial college london, fellow of the royal academy of engineering,serves as the britishpi. the project partners will carry out the research on the complex interactions among aerodynamic, electrical and environmental systems of offshore wind farms.theyaim at making breakthroughs in modelling of multiple physical fields, multi-scale numerical simulations based on the supercomputer over 10 million cores, and offshore wind farm planning and control. the theoretical research results will be verified by empirical test in jiangsu offshore wind farm base with capacity of 10 gw. college of electrical engineeringof zhejiang university was assigned to key tasks containingthe operation and controlof off-shore wind farmsandwind power generation forecasting. the kick-off meeting will contribute to the international strategyand promote academic production of college of electrical engineering.

postdoctoral fellows and graduate students from related institutions also attended the kick-off meeting.

text: changfei zhao, weitingqian

images: zhengbang jiang, hang xu

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