
acoustic signal based communication and localization for internet of things-米乐体育官方下载


dr. wang jiliang made a presentation on topic of “acoustic signal based communication and localization for internet of things” may 22th this tuesday.

prof. wang first introduced the character of acoustic signal and its advantages in d2d communication. then he presented his team’s work, genewave, a fast authentication and key agreement protocol for commodity mobile devices. after a heated discussion, he presented another work, vernier, an efficient and accurate acoustic tracking method on commodity mobile devices. all listeners were deeply attracted by the novel method, which is inspired by vernier calipers. at last, prof. wang discussed with the listeners on the work they are currently working on.

about the speaker:

wang jiliang is an associate professor of school of software, tsinghua university, doctoral advisor, winner of the national outstanding youth fund, with research interests in the internet of things and mobile networks. his research results were published in high-level international conferences and journals, including ieee infocom,ieee rtss,ieee icnp,ieee/acm transactions on networking, ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems, etc. he has won the best paper award of the 12th international conference on mobile ad-hoc and sensor networks (msn 2016) and the spotlight paper on ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems (tpds), etc. he served as or has served as ieee infocom, ieee rtss, ieee secon members of the international conference program committee.

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