on dec. 28th, 2009, at the invitation of the department of electrical engineering, dr.xu lie (queen university, uk) delivered a presentation titled model based predictive control of converters / generators at room. 405, teaching building 2.
the presentation introduced the principles of the model based predictive control method used for controlling grid-connected vscs and dfigs. general approaches for predictive direct power control and predictive current control was outlined. a number of issues associated with the practical implementation of predictive control were discussed and compensation methods for improving the system performance outlined. the presentation received a warm welcome from both teachers and students.
dr xu received his beng in electrical engineering from zhejiang university in 1993, and phd degree from university of sheffield in 1999 working in the areas of induction machine drives. in 2001, he joined alstom t&d as a senior/principle technologist. during his three years in alstom, he was involved in the research and development of vsc based hvdc system; large wind farm integration using hvdc; multilevel converter for high power applications, etc.