ee college announced on aug 12, 2015 the signing ceremony with zhejiang electric power corporation on the energy internet joint research center. among those attending the ceremony, there were heads of the two sides, mr xiao shijie (president of zhejiang electric power corporation), mr kong fangang (vice president of zhejiang electric power corporation), prof song yonghua (executive vice president of zhejiang university) and prof han zhengxiang (ee professor and former president of zju). prof wei wei, dean of ee college, chaired the ceremony.
the signing ceremony on energy internet joint research center between zhejiang university and zhejiang electric power corporation on aug 12, 2015
with the advance of energy reform, electric power is currently entering an age of uhv ac/dc hybrid power grid, which brought great challenges to traditional energy allocation. energy internet, which was strong, extensively interconnected, highly intelligent, green and low-carbon, drew a brand-new blueprint for grid development and its security and stability in operation. under such background, zhejiang university and zhejiang electric power corporation, the two leaders in their area, decided to establish the energy internet joint research center, which was targeted at key issues and core technologies in areas of energy internet, and hoped to promote and pioneer energy technology innovation in such way.
prof song yonghua addressed in speech that university should be problem oriented and zhejiang university, as a leading university in china, was entitled with higher sense of responsibility and mission on basic human problems. energy internet meant to be a comprehensive technology intercrossing such areas as electric power, information, communication, and control. zhejiang university, relying on its national key disciplines of electrical engineering, computer science, control science and engineering, would play a pioneering role in the research area if it combined strengths of all these disciplines. both zhejiang university and zhejiang electric power corporation should take the opportunity to work together in exploration for the area to serve betterthe regional economy and society, said prof song.