zhejiang university ee college calls for talents from home and abroad-米乐体育官方下载



the college of electrical engineering (the ee college) at zhejiang university (zju), established in 1920, is one of the oldest electrical engineering departments in china. the college, located at yuquan campus of zhejiang university, comprises of , and . two of its disciplines, electrical engineering, and control science and engineering are listed as key disciplines. the electrical engineering discipline ranks consistently among the best nationwide, and was selected as one of the national first-class disciplines in 2017.


young talents at home and abroad are warmly welcome to join the ee college. we invite applications from highly qualified candidates for multiple faculty positions at all levels. we will provide favorable platform for the candidate’s career development, and competitive salaries and benefits will be applied to the candidates once they are recruited.



position type: position offered by recruitment program of global experts

(also known as the “one-thousand-talents program”)(long-term innovative talent)


the candidate who holds this position shall guide the disciplinary development in his/her field. he/she shall enhance his discipline in zju and build the team for its development. he/she shall improve quality of teaching and research,facilitate international academic communication and research cooperation. he/she shall achieve remarkable achievements in innovative research and increase the international influence of his/her discipline to speed up the development of zju into a world-class university.


qualifications and requirements:

(1) the candidate should hold a doctoral degree granted overseas and should hold full professorship or an equivalent title in a prestigious foreign higher education or research institution, or a world- famous enterprise or financial institution.

(2) the candidate should have been engaged in research work in natural sciences, or engineering technologies. he /she should possess extraordinary research capabilities: he/she should have published influential academic papers on core journals in the past 5 years, or have won notable international prizes in science or have mastered significant experimental skills or key technologies in scientific projects.

(3) the candidateshould register at zju within 6 months after the application is approved. the candidate is expected to work a zju for at least 9 months annually after recruitment. he/she should, in principle, be 55 years of age or under.



(1)  zju will provide decent compensation. the exact amount differs from person toperson according to agreement.

(2)  those qualified may apply for one of the apartments specifically reserved by zju for top-level talents. others may be entitled to a sum of money for housing subsidy.

(3)  research funds will be allocated by zju. research assistants may be employed if necessary, the funding for whom comes from the research funds.

(4)  a lump sum of rmb 1,000,000 (tax-free) will be provided by the central government of china as subsidy. another lump sum of rmb 1,000,000 (tax-free) will be also provided by zhejiang province as sci-tech awards.



position type: position offered by the recruitment program of global young experts

(also known as the “one-thousand-young-talents program”)


(1) the candidate shall participate in the planning and development of his/her discipline at zju. he/she shall assist the leadership of his/her discipline to attain academic achievements of great significance in a certain research direction of his/her discipline.

(2) the candidateshall look to the demands of development in cutting-edge sciences and technologies in the world and the demands of important national strategies. he/she shall conduct original researches on significant theoretical and practical issues, and tackle problems in key research areas. he/she shall apply for and take charge of national key scientific research projects. he/she shall aim at breakthroughs and remarkable achievements.

(3) the candidate shall lecture core courses in his/her discipline and supervise graduate students.


qualifications and requirements:

(1)thecandidate should have been engaged in research work in natural sciences or engineering technologies. he/she should hold a doctoral degree granted by a well-known overseas university and have been engaged in research work in an overseas higher education or research institution for no less than 3 years.

(2) the candidate should hold a formal teaching or research position at a prestigious overseas higher education or research institution or a world- famous enterprise.

(3) the candidate is a top talent among peer researchers and will become a future leader in his/her area.

(4) the candidate should be 40 years of age or under. once recruited, he/she shall work full-time at zju.

note: exception may be made for applicants who have acquired important achievements in research or other fields when studying for a doctoral degree.


(1) a total of rmb 400,000 or above will be provided as annual salary. a lump sum of rmb 500,000 (tax-free) will be provided by the central government of china as subsidy. another lump sum of rmb 1,000,000 (tax-free) will be provided by zhejiang province as sci-tech awards.

(2)  a total of rmb 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 will be allocated as research funding by the state. research fundingof rmb 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 will also be granted by zhejiang university.

(3) a sum of rmb 50,000 will be provided by zju for housing subsidy. those qualified may apply for one of the apartments specifically reserved by zju for top-level talents.  

(4)if the candidate is recruited by“hundred talents program” (tenure track) of zju, he shall supervise doctoral students, and zju will help to solve the schooling of children in kindergarten and assist to arrange the spouse’s job.



position type: “qiushi” special-term professor of zhejiang university


the “qiushi” special-term professor shall keep pace with disciplinary development trends in the world. he/she shall look to the demands of development in cutting-edge sciences and technologies in the world and the demands of important national strategies. he/she shall conduct original researches on significant theoretical and practical issues, and tackle problems in key research areas. he/she shall apply for and take charge of national key research projects. he/she shall aim at breakthroughs and remarkable achievements.


qualifications and requirements:

(1) the candidate should hold a doctoral degree and hold assistant professorship or above (or an equivalent title) in a prominent overseas university or full professorship (or an equivalent title) in a domestic university.  

(2) the candidate’s research capabilities and achievements are recognized by peers as at a leading level. he/she shall be a great team-player with outstanding organization and management capabilities.

(3) the candidateshall work full-time at zju and be 55 years of age or under.



(1) zju will provide decent compensation.

(2) those qualified may apply for one of the apartments specifically reserved by zju for top-level talents. others may be entitled to a sum of money for housing subsidy.

(3) the accepted candidate will be granted research funding of no less than rmb3,000,000 by zju.


position type “hundred talents program” (tenure track)


(1)  the candidate shall have demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching, and part of teaching task could be deducted during the first three years of theemployment.

(2)  the candidateshall undertake high-level research projects. he/she shallbe committed to increasing the international influence of his/her discipline, and be actively engaged in his/her research field in the world.


qualifications and requirements:

(1) the candidate should hold a doctoral degree, and an assistant professorship or an associate professorship (or an equivalent title) in a prominent university or research institution.

(2) the candidateis a top talent among peer researchers and will become a future leader in his/her area.

(3) the candidateshould be 35 years old or under. once recruited, he/she shall work full-time at zju. 



(1) zju will provide decent compensation.

(2) the qualified candidates willbe recruited as research professor, and couldsupervise doctoral students.

(3) those qualified may apply for one of the apartments specifically reserved by zju for top-level talents.

(4) the accepted candidate will be granted a research funding by zju.



position type: post-doctoral research fellow


(1) thecandidatewho holds this position should put research as his/her primary responsibility and complete his/her post-doctoral research tasks as planned.

(2) he/she who holds this position should apply to the china postdoctoral science foundation or other research funds for the funding of his innovative projects. he/she should collaborate with other professors in important research projects and publish papers in major academic journals.

(3) he/she should undertake some teaching or student administration tasks if required by his/her college (department) or his/her discipline.


qualifications and requirements:

(1) the candidate should hold a doctoral degree and demonstrate strong research capabilities.

(2) generally the applicant should be 35 years of age or under. once recruited, he/ she shall work full-time at zju. 



please refer to the rules set by zju on post-doctoral research fellows


for application please send relevant documents to the contact perpon listed below via email, including a detailed resume, certificates of academic degrees, innovative research achievements and samples of major publications.

ms liu jie, ms xu honghua
 hr office, college of electrical engineering, zhejiang university
 address: room 422, teaching building 2, 38# zheda road, hangzhou ,zhejiang province, p.r.china 310027

tel: 86-571-87951538 
 fax: 86-571-87951625 
 web: http:// ee.zju.edu.cn

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